Gen Z’ers love to travel, but does that passion extend to the process of “shopping” for travel? To understand how they felt about the search experience tied to planning a trip, we asked them this question:

Let’s ask Gen Z
Is researching and planning a trip as exciting as going on the trip itself or the most frustrating part of the journey?
For some, simply thinking about a travel opportunity is enough to get them excited—the planning is when the journey actually begins.
For others, the search exercise didn’t inspire the same enthusiasm. They viewed it as a strenuous task, with the time and effort spent on research being a key factor in the disconnect between the excitement of traveling and the frustration of booking.
People who really enjoy travel
Experience Gap
People who really enjoy booking travel
Hana, 22
I’m a big planner. I love writing down every minute of an itinerary—it’s exciting, especially with a group. I’m all about doing the research so we’re prepared. But planning can either be great and flow super well or it can be the biggest headache; trying to find the best priced yet ‘non sketch’ hotel, the right location for transport…
For most, travel planning is packed with mixed emotions. This is largely because traditional search engines haven’t kept pace with Gen Z’s shifting search behaviors and travel preferences.
From the lack of reviews on the lesser-traveled places they crave to the absence of video content they now expect, the standard search engine experience ultimately falls short.
Adam, 25
Sometimes, search engine results lack the level of detail that I require. Also, I wish I could access all of the links that are generated by a query in one go vs. going through each and every site.
Adam, 25
Sometimes, search engine results lack the level of detail that I require. Also, I wish I could access all of the links that are generated by a query in one-go vs. going through each and every site.

While planning doesn’t always spark joy, it’s something Gen Z refuses to compromise on. In fact, they take it upon themselves to optimize every aspect of their trips, often blaming their own search efforts (or lack thereof) when things don’t go as expected.
This “it’s all on you” mindset that Gen Z has adopted—both in travel and beyond—drives them to go the extra mile to minimize the risk of disappointment.

of consumers prefer researching products on video and social platforms (vs. traditional search platforms)
Source: TikTok Marketing Science Global, TikTok as a Discovery Engine Study 2023 (KSA/UAE Results), conducted by Material
What's more, it pushes them to seek out new channels that offer a search experience tailored to their needs. One that prioritizes:

Search on digital platforms vs. traditional search engines

Immersive, short-form video vs. text-heavy pages and static images

Human-first, community-vetted results vs. sponsored ones
Amaal, 22
When I’m planning a trip, I love to go on TikTok and use it like a search engine. Not only for travel but also for restaurants and activities. The visuals and videos of someone physically there are helpful because you’re able to visualize what to expect exactly, rather than searching for testimonials on review sites.

Today, the platform has officially been “verbified” among this age group, with the phrase “to TikTok something” seamlessly integrated into Gen Z’s everyday conversations. This goes beyond a passing trend that’s entered the Gen Z lingo—it’s a testament to TikTok’s transformative impact on their search behaviors.
The platform has reshaped travel planning by anticipating Gen Z’s needs before they even realize what they’re searching for—hidden gems, brunch spots, and aesthetic hotels that are often hard to discover elsewhere. With content that’s both personable and personalized, it’s no surprise many consider TikTok their go-to search platform for all-things travel.

Rhea, 22
Search engines are for the consumer. TikTok is for the people. It’s a person documenting their own experience and sharing it with the world. I like the authentic storytelling element of TikTok vs. engines.

Let’s ask Gen Z
What are the top reasons users choose TikTok for their search experience?
Rhea says: I know it’s specific but when I’m travelling, I care about the quality of the water in a destination and how it affects my hair and skin. That’s something that search engines might not cover.

Kumayl, 18
For youth, conventional engines are not always very effective. Because TikTok users are likely to be young, I feel like the app caters and appeals to younger travellers because it offers content from the lens of their perspective.
Hana, 22
Amaal, 22
In many ways, we see TikTok as ‘our’ search engine—a space to discover shared ideas and ideals, created by Gen Z, for Gen Z.
That’s why we’d recommend it to a friend building a plan from scratch. The platform’s multiple search touchpoints—like the search bar, hashtags, and recommended searches in comments—act as a springboard when working from a blank slate. Just scroll to start your search!
Top reasons users choose TikTok for their search experience globally:
vs. Traditional Search
Source: TikTok Marketing Science Global, TikTok as a
Discovery Engine Study 2023, conducted by Material

And searching on TikTok is effortless, with Gen Z directly planning their next trip from the convenience of the platform’s search bar. Here are some of their most popular questions and queries:

What to do in...
Things to do in Riyadh
Rock climbing in NYC
Free activities in Vienna

Where to eat in...
Top food in Paris
Tuscany restaurants
Streetfood in Mexico City

Where to stay in...
Top 5 hotels in Dubai
Areas to stay in Tokyo

Best [...] in...
Best islands in Greece
Best places to go skiing
Best beaches in Phuket

Travel Itinerary
Day in my life in Barcelona
How to spend 5 days in Bali
Adam, 25
I definitely use the search feature on TikTok. TikTok’s just more attractive. It gives you the content and the information that you need a lot faster. And you can access different interpretations, and different posts of what people are sharing. You know, how they feel about destinations. All in all, it’s much more convenient.
When it comes to their search strategies, Gen Z has been refining their skills across search engines, digital platforms, and now Generative AI apps. Their reliance on tools like ChatGPT, for example, has further sharpened their prompting techniques.
Those who use ChatGPT for planning find it helpful for sourcing affordable options, simple itineraries, and travel hacks. However, others see it as more suited for high-level planning, acknowledging its limitations in delivering personalized or visually-rich content.
This is where TikTok comes in, offering relevant, immersive content that fills this gap and elevates the search experience.

Minhal, 22
On a 7-day trip, some days I’m in a backpacker vibe, others in a luxury vibe. I like exploring that variance and explore different ways of living. TikTok lets me experience that mix in ways ads often don’t.
Adam, 25
I use it all the time to create a skeleton of my itineraries, then I do a deeper dive. It does all the hard for you instead of clicking though each and every link generated from a regular search query. It gives you a base and saves you time.
Dua, 23
I asked ChatGPT to build an itinerary for a 9-day trip and it generated a nice template that felt similar to what I would find on booking and review platforms. On TikTok, content is more tailored to me. ChatGPT would never tell me to go to Naruto Park in Japan – which is something that I’d love to do. It would tell me to go and see the Cherry Blossoms.
Amaal, 22
ChatGPT could be helpful when you’re at 0 and you need ideas for where to go within a budget. But I really like the visualization piece of search, so I prefer to use TikTok. It’s from a person who’s lived through the experience vs. an AI who’s gathered things from the Internet.
Rhea, 22
I love ChatGPT – it’s like a limitless travel agent. I’ll give it my personality and I’ll be okay now what? Tell me more. It’s more personal and precise than search engines with the kind of recommendations it generates. With search engines, you have to sift through information yourself, whereas AI filters it for you.
Minhal, 22
I would consider but not rely on ChatGPT. Results are too general and it’s almost ’too easy’ for planning. I want to deep dive into my search, see pictures and watch vlogs. I’m a visual learner and I want to take the time out of my time to plan.
Dua, 23
I asked ChatGPT to build an itinerary for a 9-day trip and it generated a nice template that felt similar to what I would find on booking and review platforms. On TikTok, content is more tailored to me. ChatGPT would never tell me to go to Naruto Park in Japan—which is something that I’d love to do. It would tell me to go and see the Cherry Blossoms.
Adam, 25
I use it all the time to create a skeleton of my itineraries, then I do a deeper dive. It does all the hard for you instead of clicking through each and every link generated from a regular search query. It gives you a base and saves you time.
Amaal, 22
ChatGPT could be helpful when you’re at 0 and you need ideas for where to go within a budget. But I really like the visualization piece of search, so I prefer to use TikTok. It’s from a person who’s lived through the experience vs. an AI who’s gathered things from the Internet.
Rhea, 22
I love ChatGPT—it’s like a limitless travel agent. I’ll give it my personality and I’ll be okay now what? Tell me more. It’s more personal and precise than search engines with the kind of recommendations it generates. With search engines, you have to sift through information yourself, whereas AI filters it for you.

Having mastered the ins and outs of TikTok search, young travelers have systemized the entire experience, streamlining it from a cumbersome expedition into an enjoyable exploration.
Here’s a step-by-step breakdown of the art and science behind Gen Z’s search strategies.